The 🌐11th National Conference on #procurement and #supplychainmanagement 🌐 organized by the Hellenic Purchasing Institute was indeed an exhilarating hybrid 2day event.
We were excited to provide our extensive support and sponsorship for an event that stands as a cornerstone in the realm of national Procurement and Supply Chain⛓🚚
In addition to sponsoring and being part of the judging committee, our team had→
Anastasia Makarigaki leading the 💬Talent Management in Procurement panel 💬with Andreas Kyriazis, Divisional Director, Bayer, George. Virvilis, Global Talent Director, Titan and George Demetriades, Director – Centralized Procurement & Outsourcing Services, Alpha Bank.
Mirela Dialeti moderating the 💬 Women Empowerment in Procurement Panel 💬 Nikoletta Tsotsorou, Procurement Executive/Results Coach/Chem. Engineer/MBA, Eirini Chadiari-Gialas, Managing Partner -FSD logistics και Μέλος Δ.Σ ΟΛΘ Α.Ε, Angeliki Gerardou, Chief Supply Chain Officer, ΚΟRRES GROUP and Elisavet Nika, Co-founder and Managing Director of COVARIANCE P.C.
Dimitris Tzimas 🎤 presenting the nominees and awarding Ioannis (Gianni) GERARIS, Renewables procurement Director- ΔΕΗ, in the category of Procurement Skills & Development 🏅 during the 2nd National Procurement Award ceremony.
We want to share our deepest 🎉congratulations🎉 to all participants for their exceptional insights and initiatives in national procurement and supply chain management. We extend a special acknowledgment to every esteemed panelist and speaker, whose contributions have brought forth groundbreaking insights.
Kudos everyone 👏👏👏